Readme.asset 1.4 KB

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  16. title: Mobile 3D Template
  17. sections:
  18. - heading: Welcome to the Mobile 3D Template
  19. text: This template sets up the right Project settings for developing a 3D game
  20. on mobile. Also it includes some of the recommended packages for developing
  21. on mobile.
  22. linkText:
  23. url:
  24. - heading: Forums iOS
  25. text:
  26. linkText: Get answers and support
  27. url:
  28. - heading: Forums Android
  29. text:
  30. linkText: Get answers and support
  31. url:
  32. - heading: Bugs
  33. text:
  34. linkText: Report any bugs
  35. url:
  36. - heading: Template feedback
  37. text:
  38. linkText: Share your feedback on this template with us
  39. url:
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